For the last 30 years, I have been staying in this house left behind by my father. And it has been a very peaceful 30 years..... until a new Chinese neighbour moves in next to me. He is about 40 years old, 1.80m , has dark skin & short hair. An extremely irritating guy & talks very crudely. He is one type of person everyone will want to avoid at all time - "Dangerous Person". Even the police has advised me to avoid him by all means. But what can I do - he is living next to me.
This "dangerous" guy bought over the house from my previous neighbour in the year 2005. Since then, my poor ears have been tortured by his love for listening to stuff like techno music. Mind you, each time when he switches on his techno music, he will tune it to the volume that even the ground will tremble to its beats. I do not understand why, many times, he will swift his player & speakers against the wall next to my bedroom. So can you imagine how my bedroom will shake when he blasts his speakers.
There is really no way for me to rest peacefully in my house. Each day, at different hours he will start his music & it can go on for many hours, sometime even into the night. Sometime, he will suddenly starts his music in the night after 10pm when most neighbours should be getting to bed.
He will play his music for up to 5 to 6 hours, sometime repeating the same songs over & over again for at least 10 times. In between, he will stop the music for around 1 to 2 hours, I guess he needs to go out for his lunch or dinner. You will know he is back at home because he will start playing it again.
I have tried approaching him to ask for favour to soften his music but was turned on deaf ears. Through those encounters, I observe he is a drunkard & has mood swings. If he is in a good mood he will stop the music before 12am… If he is in a bad mood that day he will play his music till after midnight… Worse, if he comes home drunk that evening, I can even hear him screamingand scolding
vulgarities in the middle of the night & switching on his music loudly… closing his door loudly and banging against the wall. Even while sleeping, I will also get a shock & wake up from my sleep… I feel that my house is like lying on an earthquake zone.… the loud music is so strong that it can even cause my window to vibrate.
Now, seems like the kitchen is my only hiding place. I will close the kitchen windows to reduce the noise & do my online stuff in that little heaven of mine. Though still quite loud but is definitely much better than in my bedroom or in my sitting hall…
Recently, I feel that at times my breathing has a little difficulty….I suspect the noise problem may have cause my health to suffer. I worry I may have aanytime.
I am trying my best to bear with this nuisance. I ordered earplugs from USA which is testified to be extremely good in shutting out noise but they seems not to work for me. They can only help to cut down 70% noise because his music is truly extremely loud… I believe they work places in countries like those in U.S.A, Australia or Canada because their houses are separated from one & another individually, not like ours, in apartment flats.
I do not know what personal problem or trouble my "Dangerous" neighbour is facing. But at the rate & timing he is blasting his music day & night, if he is not crazy, I’m going to be crazy soon… The noise is overpowering whatever stuff I am listening. No TV show for me… No music for me… No good sleep for me. I practically cannot hear anything I play if he continues to play his music so loudly..... I am really very miserableWhen standing along the corridoor on the 6th floor of my apartment block can also still hear what he is playing. Imagine what about me living next door to his..… his hi fi player is next to my room…!!!!
No peace after coming back from work - cannot have a good rest… When nightfalls, cannot get into sleep because the music will start playing loudly in between 4am to 5am. I have to wake the next day at 8.30am to get really for work. Enduring this kind of nonsense day after day has really exhaustedme ..… I am nearing to breaking down.
It is hell mental torture for me. What should I do? Who can I ask for help? Someone please help me......
I am not sure any of my other neighbours also are suffering so intensely like me since they do not live so exactly close to him - having a bedroom next to where he produces his loud noise. Since talking to him did not help in anyway, & instead of improving relationship, that "Dangerous" guy shot abusive language at me & even threaten me, in the year 2006 I started ringing up the police for assistance. I have made a total of 3 calls. I thought when the police make their presence, that "Dangerous" guy would stop his music blasting. Sadly, the police could not do anything with him & they were also being intimidated by him with crude treatments. They advised me to approach my Member of Parliament for help immediately.
Oh yes, I even seeked help with HDB. They said they have rang up my neighbour to talk about the matter but with no avail.
Honestly, I actually pity the "Dangerous" guy & did not want to go to the extent of making the matter so bad as to approach someone so high of authority. Whenever, he starts his nonsense, I will call the police in again thinking they can somehow help to scare him. Even by reducing the noise level or making him rest his hi-fi for a few days is also considered a blessing for me. However, this continue with not much help until another police requested me to address the matter with my MP to get a solution.
Both, Police & HDB could not handle that "Dangerous" guy. I also gave up calling them. For one and a half year..... I just tried to avoid staying at home. During that time, I noticed police came knocking at his door. I guessed someone in my block must have also reported him to the police. I have also heard him quarrelling with someone else about the loud irritating music. One afternoon, the police came many rounds claiming that someone complained about him again (not me). Overhearing their conversation, could tell that the guy was not even afraid of the police at all. Once the police turned their backs, he started his player again, this time even blasting louder than before. With that incident, the police called in reinforcements. About half an hour later, 3 police carsappeared downstair my block & 6 more police officers came knocking at his door. I do not know what happened subsequently.
One of the police has ever informed me that my neighbour has a long history of criminal records. He may not be only notorious but also dangerous. And he also was kind enough to tell me to take care of myself. Should anything happened or I have crashes with him, I am to call up the police instead of dealing with him directly. Just let the police handle him.
I am prepared to endure his music if he does not blast it & if he can compromise to permanently place his hi-fi away from the wall next to my bedroom. I understand he is sharing his flat with a few ladies from China. Not quite sure are they renting a room from him. Could be that reason, that's why he has moved his hi-fi back to his bedroom.
Initially, I was glad that some people were moving in. That would give him a reason to lessen the volume made but looks like there is no difference. His tenants keep changing...... Sad.......
Recent developments......
On Wednesday= 23.07.2008
My neighbour started to play music loudly from 11pm to around 2am…
I couldn’t have a good sleep. His music made me feel very irritable & I had a headache…
Music started playing around 11.45pm till 1.30am. I felt very frustrated I closed my bedroom door loudly a few times… My neighbour came out of his house, and stood outside my house & started scoldings vulgarities…
And he said that I did not give him a good sleep… ...Isn't that IRONIC !!!!
I answered him back: "What about me not having a good sleep for all these few year, since you moved in?!?" And he kept rattling on and on, shouting at me with a lot of "mother big F…" and he even warned me to watch out…
At 10am I went to make a report at the police station. I am not going to endure the nonsense any longer.
As what the several policemen mentioned earlier, a friend has also advised me to bring up the issue to my consituency MP.
So finally, I’m going to meet the MP this evening (28.07.08)… I am not going to keep everything to myself. I want to let LAW takes its action.
I know that I must have lots of patience for this case to be resolved.
To be honest I’m not afraid of him… I have no fear of my Neighbour…
I don’t want to look for trouble..... but I have no choice because he has asked for it…
Do good, Be good is not easy to play…
You need a lot of patient and love…
I’m facing stressthese days…
Monday, July 28, 2008
My Next Door Neighbour Is A Pain-In-The-Neck!
Posted by tys太阳伞 at Monday, July 28, 2008 0 comments
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Emotions That Give Rise to Anger
Its common knowledge that human emotions are versatile and fickle. What's uncommon knowledge is that human emotions such as anger are actually a product of other baser human emotions. Anger is the result of other emotions. You just don't get angry. Something compels you to get angry. Research shows that anger is always linked to other emotions. The following are emotional sources of anger;
• Low self esteem: Some people suffer from an inferiority complex and tend to think that no matter what they do, they will never measure up with expectations, whether it's theirs or the expectations of people around them. Such people respond to this emotion in two ways. They either go through life avoiding confrontation or they get angry at what they perceive to be the unfairness of life and charge at every trigger like a hot headed bull. Feeling inferior can cause a whole load of anger to build up-- at you... at your parents and at society. For these people, uncontrolled anger is a form of power that usually ends up bringing them down.
• Frustration: A constant feeling of frustration can give birth to anger. If you go through life getting frustrated at not having your way in most things, you will ultimately end up getting angry all the time.
• Envy: Envy is a strong negative emotion that can lead to anger if it isn't tackled early enough. Envy can be a real stronghold that prompts you to get angry especially when your object of envy seems to have everything under control.
• Unforgiveness: Bearing a grudge no mater how 'small' it is can lead to anger. Anger that is a product of unforgiveness usually festers on the inside of a person. Unforgiveness leads to anger because it is an emotion that lets the person to constantly remember the wrong done to him or her.
• Fear: When you are constantly fearful of things in every sphere of your life, you tend to be an angry person. Fear plagues you and keeps you from living life to the full. Usually, your anger will be subconsciously directed towards yourself for what you perceive to be a weakness and towards other people for not accepting your fears.
If you have an anger management problem, finding the root cause of it can be a positive step towards taking care of it.
Chris Brady provides more free and extremely helpful information in his content rich Anger Management Help Home page. To search through other helpful articles on the website, explore Anger Management Help Sitemap. Click here:
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Posted by tys太阳伞 at Friday, July 25, 2008 0 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
Stop the Stress - Simple Home Tips to Beat Stress and Bring Back Calm
The world we live in today is an extremely stressful place. There's rising petrol prices, worry over money, and of course stress worrying if Britney will ever get her kids back!
Stress can affect our health, so it's important to take some time out to deal with the worries and stresses on our lives.
There are many effective methods for dealing with stress (and no, chocolate isn't one of them - I wish!).
Find a spot at home where you can create a relaxation space. This could be the bathroom, your bedroom or even a living area - anywhere you feel a sense of calm.
Meditation is one of the most effective stress relievers. It has shown to decrease stress dramatically with just a few minutes of meditation a day. In fact, studies have shown that just 10 minutes of meditation is equivalent to 3 hours sleep in refreshing your body.
Find a quiet place and just focus on your breathing. You can have soft music playing if you like, or even aromatherapy oils burning. Lavender, chamomile and geranium are all wonderful stress relieving essential oils.
Try and practice meditation at least once per day. Even a few minutes can be effective.
Another effective form of stress relief is exercise, and in particular yoga.
You can buy yoga dvd's very inexpensively or you can attend a class. Just three times per week is all that is needed to help reduce worries and bring about a sense of well-being.
Consider exercising in your special relaxation spot to maximize your stress relief. With your new stress relief and relaxation routine, your life will be calmer, easier and more enjoyable.
No time to relax? Then join the lazy spa girl (that's me) as she provides the best free health & beauty tips you can do in record time.
Subscribe to her newsletter for the popular 'commercial break beauty' - routines so quick and easy you can do them in the ad break!
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Posted by tys太阳伞 at Monday, July 21, 2008 0 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
Spiritual Healing - Changing Your Disposition Can Affect Your Health
If we listen to the physicists, energy and matter are interchangeable therefore your thoughts and feelings as matter cannot be destroyed-only altered. They can be changed! If the feeling or the thought is negative energy-it can be changed to positive energy. Emotion and mood have a tremendous amount of influence on us. They can determine what you think, perceive, remember and how you behave.
A change in your emotional or psychological disposition can have dramatic results on your health. When we take control of our thoughts-we can begin to feel good about ourselves. This we know-there is a mind-body connection to our DNA-every thought, feeling and emotion sends a message to every cell in our body. Each cell of our body then is affected either positively or negatively.
When our Head and our Heart Are Out of Sync-Out of Harmony-Health Problems Will Arise
So what happens is-we experience pain somewhere and it usually gets out attention. Somehow-we have forgotten who we are! Forgetting who we are leads to an unhealthy lifestyle and eventually to illness which is a signal that we are out of balance. So illness is a lesson we have given ourselves to help us remember who we are!
Remembering Who We Are
There is a purpose in all of life-a purpose for every challenge-every situation we find ourselves in. The purpose is spiritual growth-to remember who we are. Who are we? According to the Judaic-Christian scriptures-we are love made manifest in the world. What is the key to understanding this? Forgiveness-forgiveness of self and others.
Want to know more about healing energy and healing ministry? Consider becoming a certified Christian healer. The Institute of Spiritual Healing and Aromatherapy teaches classes throughout the United States on both aromatherapy and energy healing.
By Going to my web site: and signing up for our free monthly newsletter, you can receive a free gift: 5 Monographs on Biblical Oils.
These oils include Frankincense, Myrrh, Cedarwood, Spikenard and Balsam Fir. While you are at our web site, check out our aromatherapy program and our program in Christian energy healing.
From Linda L. Smith, director of the Institute of Spiritual Ministry and Aromatherapy, Inc.
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Posted by tys太阳伞 at Friday, July 18, 2008 0 comments
My Amazing Health Discovery - Rest
We have all heard about, read about and told others about the importance of rest. I didn't realize how important it was until I had gone 6 months without a day off. After 6 months of working a minimum of 12 hours a day and 7 days a week, I had not taken one single day off. Here's a sample of my daily routine and the observation to follow. 1. I wake up at 0400 to read my Bible and have a cup of coffee. My morning used to include journaling but that had gone by the way side. Observation-I was at the point that I couldn't focus, comprehend or retain anything I was reading in my Bible. I was now praying that God would help me to wake up so I could hear Him speaking to me but I couldn't close my eyes to pray because my mind would start drifting off elsewhere or back to sleep. My journaling had turned in to my daily "to do" list and my time of visualization turned in to visualizing about daily obstacles and problems I might encounter. 2. Next I go to the gym. I absolutely refuse to give that up. It's one of the best things I have going in my day and gets me off to a good start for the day. The staff has learned not to start in on problems until I've completed my workout. I am working on myself not to look around at what needs to be done while I'm on the stair stepper. Observation-I'm winging it. I go in with only a vague plan of what I'm going to do but, I have learned to maximize the time I'm there. My main focus is on the quality of my workout. If I work bench press I can then do a set of squats or lunges. Working that way I'm also keeping my heart rate up at the same time-fat burning workout! 3. After a shower I head for the office. R&R is coming up soon so that means I have a mountain of paperwork to do before I leave. I also go to each of the facilities and fill in where needed or manage what needs to be done. I have a great staff so that helps tremendously. However, I wasn't using their talent as I should. I was trying to do everything myself until I learned a very important word that I had trouble with before-delegate. 4. After work, I come home and shower again (it's very hot and dusty in Iraq), get in bed and read a few pages of a book before my eyes start rolling around in my head, I give up, turn off the light and go to sleep to get ready for another repeat performance. I've been doing the same thing, the same way every day and keep coming up with that all important question-is this all there is God? Am I following your purpose for my life? The up side to my routine is I love my job. I get to work with the military and make them happy. I do go to bed every night knowing that I'm helping to make a difference in their lives and for that, I feel very blessed. The flip side to that coin is-when you're so busy with day to day routine with no rest, you end up feeling unfulfilled and asking, "what about me?" You end up wondering if those lofty goals and dreams you had were just fantasy. It's sad because if you don't have dreams and goals for your future, what do you have to look forward to? This may be the same story for many of you. Especially if you're a busy, working mother. You get yourself and the kids ready in the morning, work all day, shuttle the kids to sports or other activities, get dinner ready, get the kids to bed (finally) and before you know it the day has run out. There's no time for you. You go to bed and do it all over again day after day. You remember you had planned on taking a college course, a Yoga class or you just want to catch up with your friends occasionally. You think about it and laugh to yourself saying, "I'm kidding myself. I don't have time for any of that." Today I am observing Memorial Day and enjoying the heck out of it. I didn't do anything special but it was a time to rejuvenate. I didn't have to go anywhere and I could read as long as I want. I had a chance to meditate and although it was hard to slow down and relax (you should see how organized and clean my room is) slowly but surely my mind became peaceful and I could listen to what my heart and feelings were telling me. I hadn't lost my dreams and hopes after all, I just didn't have the time to think about them or meditate on them. Although I love to write this was the first time I've written more than a to do list and I'm really enjoying it. Now I know I'm not the only one that is this busy and I don't tell you this so you will think, "poor thing" or "if you don't like it, quit." I tell you to caution you from heading down the "burn out" road. Take time for some rest. Rest is important. It gives you a chance to recharge and plan your dreams and goals. God took a day off when he created the world and so can you. In fact, He tells us in the Bible to observe the Sabbath-so take a day off and enjoy yourself!
Phyllis Ward is the author of God's Temple-40 Days to Total Transformation, Christian Fitness Coach, and Personal Trainer. For more information about Phyllis or her services please visit or email her at
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Posted by tys太阳伞 at Friday, July 18, 2008 0 comments
How to Make Guitar Chords - Some Useful Tips
Learning to make guitar chords on your own without expert guidance can be hard. Many people have given up the desire to play the guitar as they failed to learn how to construct chords.
It can be a good idea to learn to play chords by taking lessons from a qualified instructor. However, not all of us can afford a personal instructor and are lost trying to learn by ourselves. There is the option of purchasing an online guitar course that comes with an audio and visual guide giving step-by-step instructions.
If you know the right techniques, it can be fun making guitar chords as it is quite easy if you know the major scales and the right formulas. Most basic chords comprise of three scale notes and are referred to as triads. There are basically four triads that are commonly used. The major, minor, augmented and diminished chords.
If you wish to play a guitar cord initially you can write down the key. If you want a D major chord, the major scale will be as follows when written down D E F# G A B C#
You have to use the 1st, 3rd and 5th note to get the D major chord which is D, F# and A.
Similarly if you wish to play the B major chord...
B C# D# E F# G# A#
The 1st, 3rd and 5th notes which are B, D# and F# give you the B Major chord. You can play using any note of a chord as long as all notes are used. The formula is 1-3-5.
When the 3rd note in a major chord is flattened the chord is termed as the minor chord. The chord is played as 1st note, flattened 3rd note and then the 5th note...
The c minor chord goes as C, flattened E (Eb) and G. The formula is 1-b3-5.
In augmented triads the 1st note, 3rd note and a sharp 5th note is used. The formula is 1-3-#5.
In diminished triads the 3rd and the 5th notes are flattened. The formula is 1-b3-b5.
When you understand these simple formulas and apply them, you find that making chords on the guitar is rather simple and enjoyable. It is not necessary to memorize them by just their shapes. Instead if you understand the formula you will begin to construct chords without much of a fuss.
I hope you enjoyed this article! To discover how to unleash your inner guitar god by getting professional coaching from an electric guitar tutor, then be sure to check out: Melbourne Electric Guitar Tuition
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Posted by tys太阳伞 at Friday, July 18, 2008 0 comments
Singapore Airlines Has the Best Inflight Entertainment System
It is very common to see passengers hand carry along their laptop while boarding air plane. It is because they need to access the internet for some reason during their long trip while on the plane.
Is there any airlines that has internet access which allows passenger to use? Through my experience, Singapore Airlines has this facilities that provides personal computer use on every passenger seat to serve the net for free while the plane is taking you up in the air. This has not only facilitate those on business trips, mothers can keep their children occupied too with any online games that can be found in the net.
This inflight entertainment system can be found only with Singapore Airlines, even though you are traveling with economy class. To make flying more enjoyable for its passengers, Singapore Airlines, is adding bigger screens, more in-flight movies and a PC, running Red Hat Inc.'s distribution of the Linux operating system, in every seat on its newest planes.
Singapore Airlines latest investments is to out stand their inflight services with any other airlines. They do need seems to loose out in this areas but actually hoping to boost profits. Beside focusing on the entertainment side, you will noticed a special designed and specially made passengers seats that made me cosy in any sitting positions. For long and comfortable sleeping positions, economy class seats are not well recommended. Comfort and entertainment in an any Airlines will help to attract more passengers even competitions are felt among other airlines too.
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Posted by tys太阳伞 at Friday, July 18, 2008 0 comments
How to Review a Photograph
Whether you are reviewing one of your own photographs or some one else's, there are certain rules of thumb that should be followed. The steps below offer a step by step approach to reviewing photographs and possibly offering advice.
1. Categorize the piece to a particular type: portrait, landscape, nature, wildlife, action...etc. Yes there is a difference between nature and wildlife photography. The point is to narrow it down to a certain type. There are different expectations for different types.
2. Was lighting used effectively? Different lighting techniques are used for different types of photography. Is the shot too dark? Is there washout (whites are too bright)? Was indirect lighting used if it was a portrait? Direct lighting on portraits can flatten facial features.
3. Determine what the subject of the photograph is. Viewers should not have to guess what the subject is. If the subject is not clear then there is not much point in going very deep in the review.
4. Notice the techniques that were used to bring out the subject. Was a narrow depth of field used to blur the background and foreground while keeping the subject in focus? Was the subject moving during the shot? Were techniques used to show motion?
There are many techniques that can be used to bring attention to the subject. Are any particular techniques noticeable? Should a different technique have been used?
5. See if there is anything in the shot that unnecessarily distracts from the subject. Is there something in the background that draws your eye away from the subject? Photographers should make sure that there are no distractions in the viewfinder before releasing the shutter.
6. The final step in reviewing a photo is to develop a personal opinion. Do you like the picture? Why or why not? If it is your shot, what should you do differently next time... if anything? If it is someone else's, would you have taken a different approach?
If someone wants you to review their photograph, do so. Give them your honest opinion, with constructive criticism if necessary.
The more photographs that you review the better prepared you will be for different photographic opportunities.
Jonnie Blaylock is a hobbyist photographer that helps new photographers learn the fundamentals. His website also allows new photographers to submit a photograph for review.
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Posted by tys太阳伞 at Friday, July 18, 2008 0 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Treat Your Food and Drink Allergies
Certain food and drink allergies can make you very uncomfortable in few situations, keeping you always suspicious of what you are about to eat or drink, this can effect a human in a many different ways. Just think about it! How easy it is to have the same food every day you are already bored with? Well let me give you a clue, ''It's NOT Easy.''
Even worse factor is, in some of the cases when you were able to enjoy a certain food or drink , but in meanwhile you have developed an allergic reaction to it. It surely is very unpleasant to hunger after a certain food and to resent it at the same time because you anticipate the disagreeable effects it will have on you. Food and Drink sensitivity The way you get allergic reaction is when a specific enzymes in the product you are having can not tolerate some chemical or natural substance of it.
The main symptoms are: gas constipation diarrhea IBS skin rash headaches cough
From another side of view , allergy is an immune response to some allergens, or food proteins that generate the allergy, and has a partially different symptomatology: soft tissues (tongue, lips, eyelids, etc.) swelling lesions itches vomiting culminating anaphylactic shock
Most common Food generating allergies milk eggs seafood shellfish peanuts tree nuts soy wheat
Aloeride effectiveness Now there is a easy way to regain the possibility of using food and drinks banned for long time from your diet. Few cases reports an increased tolerance to substances you could never even think to ingest again after undergoing terrible reactions to them. The fact that Aloeride performs on the immunity system guarantees that allergic reactions, as immunity responses to some mixtures found in food or drinks, can be dealt with. Using Aloeride for drink or food allergies doesn't really mean you should go and grab everything you had allergy before with. It would be really irresponsible from your side, however Aloeride may actually surprise you, it offers you an opportunity to learn simple things like rightfully appreciated food, especially after a period of constant prohibition and frustration.
So why don't you change your life TODAY with Aloeride?
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Posted by tys太阳伞 at Thursday, July 17, 2008 0 comments