Friday, July 18, 2008

My Amazing Health Discovery - Rest

We have all heard about, read about and told others about the importance of rest. I didn't realize how important it was until I had gone 6 months without a day off. After 6 months of working a minimum of 12 hours a day and 7 days a week, I had not taken one single day off. Here's a sample of my daily routine and the observation to follow. 1. I wake up at 0400 to read my Bible and have a cup of coffee. My morning used to include journaling but that had gone by the way side. Observation-I was at the point that I couldn't focus, comprehend or retain anything I was reading in my Bible. I was now praying that God would help me to wake up so I could hear Him speaking to me but I couldn't close my eyes to pray because my mind would start drifting off elsewhere or back to sleep. My journaling had turned in to my daily "to do" list and my time of visualization turned in to visualizing about daily obstacles and problems I might encounter. 2. Next I go to the gym. I absolutely refuse to give that up. It's one of the best things I have going in my day and gets me off to a good start for the day. The staff has learned not to start in on problems until I've completed my workout. I am working on myself not to look around at what needs to be done while I'm on the stair stepper. Observation-I'm winging it. I go in with only a vague plan of what I'm going to do but, I have learned to maximize the time I'm there. My main focus is on the quality of my workout. If I work bench press I can then do a set of squats or lunges. Working that way I'm also keeping my heart rate up at the same time-fat burning workout! 3. After a shower I head for the office. R&R is coming up soon so that means I have a mountain of paperwork to do before I leave. I also go to each of the facilities and fill in where needed or manage what needs to be done. I have a great staff so that helps tremendously. However, I wasn't using their talent as I should. I was trying to do everything myself until I learned a very important word that I had trouble with before-delegate. 4. After work, I come home and shower again (it's very hot and dusty in Iraq), get in bed and read a few pages of a book before my eyes start rolling around in my head, I give up, turn off the light and go to sleep to get ready for another repeat performance. I've been doing the same thing, the same way every day and keep coming up with that all important question-is this all there is God? Am I following your purpose for my life? The up side to my routine is I love my job. I get to work with the military and make them happy. I do go to bed every night knowing that I'm helping to make a difference in their lives and for that, I feel very blessed. The flip side to that coin is-when you're so busy with day to day routine with no rest, you end up feeling unfulfilled and asking, "what about me?" You end up wondering if those lofty goals and dreams you had were just fantasy. It's sad because if you don't have dreams and goals for your future, what do you have to look forward to? This may be the same story for many of you. Especially if you're a busy, working mother. You get yourself and the kids ready in the morning, work all day, shuttle the kids to sports or other activities, get dinner ready, get the kids to bed (finally) and before you know it the day has run out. There's no time for you. You go to bed and do it all over again day after day. You remember you had planned on taking a college course, a Yoga class or you just want to catch up with your friends occasionally. You think about it and laugh to yourself saying, "I'm kidding myself. I don't have time for any of that." Today I am observing Memorial Day and enjoying the heck out of it. I didn't do anything special but it was a time to rejuvenate. I didn't have to go anywhere and I could read as long as I want. I had a chance to meditate and although it was hard to slow down and relax (you should see how organized and clean my room is) slowly but surely my mind became peaceful and I could listen to what my heart and feelings were telling me. I hadn't lost my dreams and hopes after all, I just didn't have the time to think about them or meditate on them. Although I love to write this was the first time I've written more than a to do list and I'm really enjoying it. Now I know I'm not the only one that is this busy and I don't tell you this so you will think, "poor thing" or "if you don't like it, quit." I tell you to caution you from heading down the "burn out" road. Take time for some rest. Rest is important. It gives you a chance to recharge and plan your dreams and goals. God took a day off when he created the world and so can you. In fact, He tells us in the Bible to observe the Sabbath-so take a day off and enjoy yourself!
Phyllis Ward is the author of God's Temple-40 Days to Total Transformation, Christian Fitness Coach, and Personal Trainer. For more information about Phyllis or her services please visit or email her at
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