Friday, February 6, 2009

Dog Names - Find a Popular Dog Name

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If you just got a new dog then one of the first things you will want to do is to come up with a name for your new dog. There are many names to choose from so it will not be hard to find one you like. Some people like easy to remember common names while others like more exotic and interesting names that may even tell a dogs personality. There is not secret way to choose a dog's name you just want to make sure that you find a name that all family members agree upon and like.
Some of the popular name are spot, max, buddy, spike and same to name a few. These are common and popular god names and depending on the breed of the dog some fit better than others for any particular dog. For instance if you have a Dalmatian then Spot is a common name to use for this breed. Bernard is a great name if you have a big dog such as a Saint Bernard, or maybe if you have a Great Dane then you want to use the name Duke because it strikes you as a name with great size.
You will also find that a lot of foods work well for great dog names such as Pepper or Peanut. There also books you can get that have list of dog names but be careful because if you have too many names it might be hard to narrow it down to one choice.
Remember that choosing a popular dog name can be fun and everyone in your family should have a say in what the name should be.
Get Free: Dog Naming Tips
How to: Find a Dog Name
Bryan Burbank is an expert in the field of Animals and Pet Issues.
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