Every person wishes to be loved by everyone. People do anything to get love in this world. In fact almost all actions of human beings seem to be for the purpose of getting love. People work day and night so that they can earn enough money to fulfill the requirement of their dear ones and make the life of family and loved one comfortable so that they can get their love and affection. Even the battles are fought by kings for the sake of love. The soldiers fight battles and lay down their life because they love their country and their countrymen. Even the richest businessman like Bill Gates engage into charities and give their hard earned money to the people so that they can earn the love of the people.
Yet love seems to elude most people. Most people find love as a zero sum game. When they try to get the love of some people, they often make others as their enemies. Thus love often becomes the seed of hatred. Often people feel devastated when they find that the person for whose love they have made the world as their enemy does not love them but hate them.
It is a fact that most people fail to be loved despite their heartfelt desire for the same. It is because they have yet to learn the laws that govern the universe of love.
The Quest of Love
It is wisely said that you see the world not what it is but what you are. The world is nothing but a reflection of the person. If the person loves most people, most people would also love him. However, if a person hates most people, he can not avoid the hatred of most people. This theory may not be provable by logic yet we all know from our experience that it is correct. Only such people are able to get the love of the people who love others.
Gandhi for example was loved not only by his countrymen but also by his adversaries because he had no hatred in his heart. However, dictators like Hitler and Mussolini were hated by not only their enemies but also by their own countrymen because their heart was filled with hate. A man who is full of love would love even his enemies. said that a tree is known by the fruits he bears. He said (Matthew 7:15-18) By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.
The key to be loved is, therefore, simple i.e. to love everyone. Yet this simple act seems to be almost impossible. After all the world seems to be full of people who are worse than the devils. They commit crimes, follow corrupt practices, and live a selfish life. Then there are many people who treat you badly.
How is it possible to love everyone?
The Story of a Princess
When we look the world as made of different people, it is impossible to love everyone. However, when we see the world as the manifestation of the same Reality, then it becomes easy to be loved. This is explained by the following story of a princess.
A beautiful princess was born to a king. The king was very happy. However, as the princess grew, the king noticed that she can not walk properly. The king called the doctor and asked her to treat her. The doctor told the king that the princes have a sore spot on her left feet. So when pressure is put on her left feet, she feels pain.
The king was worried. He requested the doctor to suggest a solution. The doctor suggested that if she moves on soft cotton carpet then her feet would not get hurt and she can walk comfortably. The king became happy. He provided soft cotton carpets in his entire palace. So where ever the princess walked, she had cotton carpet under her feet. She walked without any difficulty.
As the princes grew older, she wanted to go to the school and play in the field. She also wanted to go to the market and other places. Now the king got worried as he did not have sufficient money to carpet his entire kingdom.
He then consulted one of his minister who was very wise. The minister suggested a very simple solution which solved the entire problem without costing anything.
Thus instead of carpeting the entire kingdom, the goal was achieved by simply wearing the socks. The Lord Krishna says in Bhagvad Gita (Gita 10:8) I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanates from Me. The wise who perfectly know this engage in devotional service and worship Me with all their hearts.
We have to, therefore, find a way so that instead of searching love everywhere and trying to love people individually; we plant the love at a single place i.e. in our heart which is the seat of soul and the kingdom of God. When your heart is filled with love and you can love everyone without any effort.
The Union of All
Can you hate yourself or the people whom you love? We love ourselves despite of our weaknesses and limitations. We seem to have all justifications for our wrong acts. Yet when it comes to others and more so the people whom we dislike, we can't forgive them or ignore their weaknesses.
What if we can see everyone with the same eye as see ourselves?
God is called Omnipresent as He is present in everything. He is present in every man and woman in their heart. It is for this reason that He also called Holy Spirit or Supreme Soul as He lives in every person. Hence if one loves God, one automatically develops love for the entire humanity as the same God is present in all the creations.
Therefore, only if you love God, you can love all beings and thus get love from all beings. Once a person realizes that same God is present in every reality of this universe including himself, he can not hate others. He feels himself united with rest of the world and sees self in the world and the world in the self. He is called Yogi (one who unites) as he finds the world united rather then made of different reality.
Gita describes Yogi in the following words (Gita 6:29) This yogi who has become one with God, sees the same everywhere . He sees the self in all beings and sees all beings in the self.
We can all notice that the source of all hatred is the differentiation between the self and the others. We see the world from only our eyes and fail to see the world from the eyes of others. The result is that everything that goes against us seems to be wrong however useful it may be for the rest of the world. No one can feel happy if he loses a game or a job to another person because he does not see the perspective of the other person. If we can feel the emotions of others as much as we feel our emotions, we can gradually see the world from the perspective of God who is seated in our heart as much as in the heart of everyone else. Hence the difference between good and evil diminishes as the person finds everyone same and equal. This is enlightenment which comes from the lightening of heart from the light of God. Gita describes the enlightened person as following (Bhagavad Gita 5:18) Seeing all things equal, the Enlightened may look on the Brahmin, learned and gentle, on the cow, on the elephant, on the dog, on the eater of dogs.
Loving God
Thus the only way one can get the love of all people is by loving God. Even for the people who have no faith in the God as described in Scriptures, this love is known as the love for humanity as God is present in the heart of every human being. Once this love is created in the heart of the person, there is no way; he can hate others as only love will come out from him. This is far simpler and easier way to be loved by everyone as it is virtually impossible to love everyone individually. Why carpet the entire kingdom with soft cotton, if you can get the same benefit by wearing the soft cotton socks.
A Brief Profile of Dr Awdhesh K Singh
I am an Engineer by education, a public officer by profession and a spiritual person by intuition.
I hold my PhD degree in the field of E-Governance.
I am a founding member of The Aatmic Science Foundation (The Science of Soul Foundation) that is working for the synthesis between all religions, spirituality and sciences.
The website of the foundation is http://www.scienceofsoul.com
My main area of study and research is to use religions, spirituality and scientific methods of investigations to understand and solve the real life problems of human beings.
I have published hundreds of articles and research papers on this topic on various websites and journals.
Please contact me on my email mailto:aksinghirs@yahoo.com for any help, suggestions or feedback.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Awdhesh_K_Singh
Thursday, May 28, 2009
How to Be Loved by Everyone
Posted by tys太阳伞 at Thursday, May 28, 2009
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